Sunday Morning Bible Classes @ 9:30am - Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:45am - CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP @ 7 PM - Welcome to Furley Church!
11400 E. 101st Street North, Valley Center, KS 67147 - 316-744-0318 -
NEED A RIDE TO SUNDAY WORSHIP? Contact our Pastor @ 316-641-4442.
God is good, all the time! And all the time, God is good! We invite you to gather for worship of our Great and Good God every Sunday morning @ 10:45. Furley's worship style is traditional with singing of hymns, responsive call to worship, unison prayer and sharing joys and concerns followed by preaching. We ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds to the unique message God has for each of us through the Word. We love Jesus, and would be delighted for you to worship him with us!
Are you unable to join in person? Watch the teaching portion of the service here or find it on Facebook. Search for the Group "Furley United Methodist Church".
offers recycling through Waste Management.
Please follow the schedule below when bringing your recyclables.
Place items in the cart with the yellow lid, please.
Last names beginning with . . .
FEB 11 = A - K
FEB 25 = L - Z
Go to for details on what can and cannot go into the recycle cart.
THANK YOU for recycling often and right!
FRIDAY, FEB 7th @ 3 pm BINGO at WSM!
Remember items the residents love to choose from as Bingo prizes include
Bring items to Furley Church and we will see they get to WSM in Whitewater